Best Freelance Websites For Graphic Designers

In the digital age, Freelancing has become a popular choice for artists and graphic designers, to showcase their talents, reach a global audience, and earn huge. So we will tell you best freelance websites for graphic designers and artists. Whether you are an illustrator, graphic designer, animator, or fine artist, many freelance platforms help you connect with clients and find interesting projects.

This guide will review some of the best freelance websites, their features, and benefits.

Introduction to Freelance Websites For Graphic Designers And Artists

Freelance websites are the best platforms for graphic designers and artists. There they can earn money using their skills. On Fiverr, you can list your services as gigs and attract clients. You can create your profile on Upwork and send proposals for projects.

Furthermore,  Behance is a portfolio website which is also good for grapic designers where you can showcase your work and get hired directly by clients. On Freelancer you can bid for different projects and connect with global clients.


In addition, The advantage of these websites is that you can work with flexible timing and enhance your experience by working with clients from all over the world. Create a profile, upload a portfolio, and find projects so you can turn your passion into a profession.

Criteria For Choosing the Best Freelance Websites For Graphic Designers

Some important criteria help you choose the best platform when choosing freelance websites. Let us help you in doing it.

  • User Base: More users means more opportunities, which increases your chances of getting projects. So, see how many users are on the website.
  • Project Categories: The website offers suitable categories according to your skill set.
  • Fee Structure: Please check the website’s fee structure. Every platform charges different commissions or fees. It is important to see how profitable it will be for you.
  • Payment Methods: Payment options should be reliable and secure. 
  • Ease of Use: The user interface and usability of the website are also important.
  • Success Stories: Also see the success stories and testimonials of the websites. This will give you an idea of ​​how many freelancers have built a successful career from there.
  • Job Frequency: Websites with regularly updated jobs are extremely beneficial for artists. Therefore check the job frequency on the websites.
  • Community and Networking: Some platforms also offer strong community and networking opportunities. Such platforms benefit artists because they allow you to connect with other freelancers and professionals.

Top Freelance Websites For Graphic Designers And Artists

There are many freelance websites for artists. Lets! discuss some of which:

1. Upwork

Upwork is a freelancing platform where people can offer their services like graphic designing digital marketing etc. This platform connects employers and freelancers. On Upwork, there are works like writing, designing, programming, and SEO. We have to bid for each project and can start work after getting the contract from the client. This is a good way to earn money sitting at home.

How to start work on Upwork: 

Create a profile:
  • First of all, you have to create your profile. In this include your skills, experience, and portfolio so that clients know about you.
Search for projects:
  • All types of projects are available on Upwork. We can search for projects with our expertise and choose the work of our choice.
Send Proposals:
  • Furthermore, When you like a project, you should submit a proposal for that project. In the proposal, you write details of your work and tell the client how you will handle their project. 
Talk to clients:
  • Next, when the client accepts your proposal, you can talk with the client on the platform.
Contracts and Payments:
  • On Upwork, you can get fixed-price or hourly contracts. Payments are secure and happen on a milestone basis or hourly basis.
Complete the work:
  • Finally, After completing the project you should submit your work. It is important to take feedback from the client because good feedback helps you in future projects

2. Freelancer

Freelancer is a famous freelance platform where freelancers and clients meet. This website connects professionals from around the world with projects and clients. Here you can find projects according to your skills and bid for them.

How to start work on Freelancer:

Profile Creation:
  • First, you have to create a profile on Freelancer. In this, you showcase your skills, experience, and portfolio. 
Job Searching:
  • All types of projects are available on Freelancer. You can search for projects as your expertise and choose suitable projects for yourself.
  • Next, When you like a project, you bid for that project. In the bid, you explain your qualifications and how you will handle the project.
Client Communication:
  • Moreover, When the client accepts your bid, you can communicate with the client directly.
Contracts and Payments:
  • On Freelancer you get both fixed-price and hourly contracts. Payments are secure and are received on a milestone basis or hourly basis.
Work Submission:
  • Finally, After completing the project, you submit your work and take feedback from the client. Good feedback is helpful for your future projects.

However, You can increase your income by working on the Freelancer platform and enhance your experience by working with international clients.

3. Fiverr

Fiverr is a popular freelance platform where freelancers offer their services and clients hire them. This website is especially famous for gigs where freelancers list services according to their skills.

How to start work on Fiverr

Profile Creation:
  • First, you have to create your profile on Fiverr. In this, you include your skills, experience, and portfolio.
Gig Creation:
  • Second, On Fiverr, you will list your services as gigs. In every gig, you tell the details of the services and their pricing.
Client Search:
  • Next Clients search for gigs on Fiverr and hire freelancers as their requirements. The more attractive and clear your gigs are, the greater the chance that clients will hire you.
Order Management:
  • Then, When a client purchases your gig, he places an order. After accepting the order you have to communicate with the client so that their requirements are clear.
Work Delivery:

After the project is complete, you deliver your work to the client. It is very important to take feedback from clients because good feedback improves your reputation.


Payments on Fiverr are secure. Finally, You get payments after project completion which you can withdraw in your bank account.

On Fiverr, you can generate good income through your skills and enhance your experience by working with clients.

4. Behance

Behance is a famous online platform specially designed for creative professionals. This platform allows you to showcase your portfolio and provides a way to connect with clients.

How to start work on Behance

Profile Creation:
  • First of all, you have to create your profile on Behance. In this, you include your skills, experience, and projects so that your professional background is clear.
Portfolio Showcase:
  • The main feature of Behance is your portfolio. You can upload your best projects, designs, and artwork on Behance. This allows you to present your work to a global audience.
  • You can also connect with other professionals on Behance. This networking helps you to stay informed about trends and techniques.
Feedback and Reviews:
  • On Behance, you get feedback and reviews from other professionals which help in improving your work. Positive feedback also enhances the credibility of your portfolio.

Behance is a valuable platform for your creative career where you can showcase your work, explore new opportunities, and stay connected with the industry.

5. Dribbble

Dribbble is a popular online platform, especially for designers and creative professionals. This platform allows you to showcase your artwork, receive feedback, and connect with clients.

How to start work on Dribble

Profile Creation:
  • First of all, on Dribbble you have to create your profile. In this, you include your skills, experience, and projects so that your professional background is clear.
Portfolio Showcase:
  • On Dribbble you upload your designs and artwork as shots. This allows you to present your work to a global audience and increases your visibility.
  • Clients and recruiters can view your portfolio on Dribbble. If they like your work then they can contact you directly. This gives you exposure to new job opportunities and freelance projects.
  • On Dribbble you can connect with other designers and creative professionals. This networking helps you to stay informed about industry trends and techniques.
Project Collaboration:
  • On Dribbble you can also do collaboration projects with other artists and designers. These collaborative projects enhance your skill set and allow you to learn new ideas and perspectives.
Feedback and Interaction:

On Dribbble you get feedback and reviews from other professionals which help in improving your work. Positive feedback also enhances the credibility of your portfolio.

Dribbble is a valuable platform for creative professionals where you can showcase your work, explore new opportunities, and stay connected with the industry.

6. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour is a popular online platform designed for freelancers, where you can offer your services and connect with clients. This platform is also very beneficial for artists.

How to start work on Peopleperhour

Profile Creation:
  • On PeoplePerHour you first have to create your detailed profile. In this, you include your skills, experience, and portfolio.
Service Listings:
  •  On PeoplePerHour you can list your services as specific listings. You can define your services in different categories according to your expertise, such as graphic design, illustration, or painting.
Client Search:
  • Clients search and hire freelancers as per their requirements on PeoplePerHour. You can attract clients by optimizing your profile and showcasing your portfolio.
Proposal Submission:
  • When you like a project, you submit a proposal for that project. In this proposal, you provide details of your qualifications and how you will handle the project.
Contracts and Payments:
  • On PeoplePerHour you get both fixed-price and hourly contracts. Payments are secure and are received on a milestone basis or hourly basis.
Feedback and Reviews:
  • After the projects are completed, clients give you feedback and reviews which are helpful for your prospects. Positive feedback improves your reputation.

PeoplePerHour is a great platform for artists where you can generate income through your skills and enhance your portfolio by collaborating with clients.

7. ArtStation

ArtStation is the premier platform for digital artists, especially concept artists, illustrators, and 3D artists. This platform allows artists to showcase their portfolios, find freelance work, and connect with professionals in the entertainment and gaming industries.

How to start work on Artstation

If you want to start with ArtStation, this guide will provide the basic steps to help you establish your presence on the platform and work effectively.

Create an Account
  • Go to the ArtStation website and click the “Sign Up” button. Enter your email address, username, and password, and create an account. You can also sign up with social media accounts like Facebook or Google.
Set up your profile
  • Second, After creating your account, complete your profile. Add your personal information, including your name, profile picture, and bio. Your bio should be professional and concise, which highlights your skills and experience.
Create a Portfolio
  • Next, Click the “Add Project” button and upload your best artwork and projects. Use high-resolution images and detailed descriptions so that clients get a clear idea of ​​your work.
Use Tags and Categories
  • Then, While uploading projects, add relevant tags and categories. These make your work searchable and help users find your work easily.
Do networking
  • Moreover, Follow other artists on ArtStation, like and comment on their work. This will give you a chance to get involved in the community and provide you with networking opportunities.
Take part in challenges and contests
  • Furthermore, ArtStation regularly hosts challenges and contests. Participating in these gives you a chance to showcase your skills and increase your visibility.
Browse the Job Board
  • Go to ArtStation’s job board and browse freelance, part-time, and full-time job listings. Apply to relevant job postings and contact potential clients directly.
Consider Pro Membership
  • If you want to increase your visibility and opportunities, consider ArtStation’s Pro membership. This gives you additional benefits like increased portfolio visibility and advanced analytics.
Sell on the Marketplace
  • If you have digital products, like brushes, textures, and 3D models, you can sell them on the ArtStation Marketplace. This will provide an additional revenue stream for you.
Use Learning Resources
  • Take advantage of ArtStation Learning, which offers high-quality video courses. Through these courses, you can improve your skills and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry.

8. 99designs

99designs is a famous freelance platform that connects designers and clients. This platform is also very beneficial for artists, especially for graphic designers. Here artists can showcase their design skills, participate in competitions, and work directly with clients

How to start work on 99designs.

If you want to get started with 99designs, this guide will provide the basic steps to help you establish your presence on the platform and work effectively.

Create an Account
  • First, go to the 99designs website and click the “Sign Up” button. Enter your email address and password and create an account. You can also sign up with your social media accounts like Facebook or Google.
Set up your profile
  • Second, After creating your account, complete your profile. Add your name, profile picture, and a professional bio. Ensure that your bio highlights your skills and experience. By filling out the profile properly, clients will trust you more.
Upload Portfolio
  • Next, Upload your best design works to your portfolio. Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions so that clients can get a good idea of ​​your work. The portfolio showcases your expertise and style, so curate it carefully.
Participate in Design Contests
  • Then, Participating in 99designs design contests is a great way to showcase your skills and attract clients. By participating in contests you also get a chance to win prize money
Approach Clients Directly
  • Moreover, On 99designs you can also approach clients directly. Browse the projects posted by clients and send proposals on those projects that you find suitable. The advantage of working with direct clients is that you can set your rates and develop long-term relationships.
Reviews and Ratings
  • Furthermore, After every project, clients can give you reviews and ratings. These reviews and ratings enhance your credibility and profile visibility. Good reviews and ratings can help you get more clients.
Payment Security
  • Finally, 99designs offers secure payment methods that ensure you get paid for your work on time. Through the platform, you can receive payments from your clients without any hassle.

9. Coroflot

Coroflot is a renowned platform that allows artists and designers to showcase their skills and find freelance opportunities. Here we will see how Coroflot can be used and what are its benefits, especially for artists.

How to start work on Cortflot

Create an Account
  • First, go to the Coroflot website and click on the “Sign Up” button. Enter your email address, username, and password, and create an account. 
Setup Profile
  • Second, After creating the account, complete your profile. Add your name, profile picture, and a professional bio. Your bio should be concise and informative, highlighting your skills and experience.
Upload Portfolio
  • Next, Upload your best artworks and projects to your portfolio. Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions so that clients can get a good idea of ​​your work. The portfolio showcases your expertise and style, so curate it carefully.
Explore the Jobs Section
  • Then, Go to the Coroflot jobs section and browse relevant job listings. Here you will get freelance, part-time, and full-time job opportunities. Apply to relevant job postings and contact potential clients directly.
Spotlight Feature
  • Moreover, Use the spotlight feature of Coroflot which highlights your work. This feature gives you more visibility and an opportunity to contact potential clients. 
Design Galleries
  • Furthermore, There are different design galleries on Coroflot where you can showcase your work. These galleries are divided into various categories like graphic design, industrial design, and fashion design. Post your work in relevant galleries to reach your targeted audience.
Learning Resources
  • Educational resources are also available on Coroflot which help you in improving your skills. These resources come in the form of articles, tutorials, and industry insights. Keep exploring them regularly so you stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the industry.
Payment Methods
  • Coroflot offers secure payment methods that ensure you get your work paid on time. Through the platform, you can receive payments from your clients without any hassle.
Reviews and Ratings
  • Finally, After every project clients can give you reviews and ratings. These reviews and ratings enhance your credibility and profile visibility. You can get more clients with good reviews and ratings.

10. ArtJobs

ArtJobs is a platform that provides artists worldwide opportunities to showcase their creativity and for professional growth. This platform is a valuable resource for artists, where they can find jobs and projects by showcasing their skills. 

How to start work on Artjobs

Create an Account
  • First, go to the ArtJobs website and click the “Register” or “Sign Up” button. Create an account by entering your name, email address, and password. You can also upload additional information, such as a portfolio and resume, to complete your profile
Setup your profile
  • Second, After creating your account, complete your profile. Add your professional information like education, experience, and skills. You should showcase your portfolio to make your profile attractive and professional.
Browse Job Listings
  • Next, ArtJobs has regularly updated job listings available. Search for jobs according to your skills and interests and apply for them. Jobs categories include graphic design, fine arts, photography, and other creative fields.
Upload Portfolio
  • Then, Upload your best artwork and projects to your portfolio. Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions so that clients can get a good idea of ​​your work. The portfolio showcases your expertise and style, so accurate it carefully.
  • Moreover, Connect with other artists and professionals on ArtJobs. Like their work and keep interacting with them. Networking can give you collaboration opportunities and allow you to build connections within your industry.
Set Email Alerts
  • Furthermore, Set email alerts on ArtJobs so that you receive the latest job opportunities and updates. This will keep you updated on more job listings and potential projects.
Reviews and Ratings
  • Finally, Clients can give you reviews and ratings after completing jobs. Positive reviews and ratings on your profile make you credible for future clients.
Payment Methods
  • ArtJobs provides secure payment methods through which you receive payment for your work. Payments are typically released after the completion of projects, ensuring your financial security.


In this article, we discuss the all best freelance websites for graphic designers and artists. Freelance websites are the best platform to showcase their skills, connect with clients, and earn money. We can connect with clients according to their skills and find interesting projects.

Lastly, Freelance websites are the best way to grow your skills and earn money. Many projects are available on these websites. We can choose projects according to their skills such as Graphic designing, web designing, Digital marketing, programming, and many more.

I hope you understand the concept of the Best Freelance Websites for artists. So, sign up for freelance websites according to their interests. May! Your future will be bright.

To learn more read our other articles visit our website ammoneymakers


How do we become an art freelancer?

To become an art freelancer, prepare your strong portfolio. Create profiles on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr with other artists and potential clients through social media and art communities. Keep improving your skills and stay aware of industry trends.

How to find freelance work as an artist?

To find freelance work, showcase your portfolio on online platforms. Create your profile on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Behance. Share your work on social media and stay active in art communities. Use networking and referrals to contact clients directly.

How much do we earn from freelance websites?

The earnings from freelance websites depend on your skill level, project type, and client demand. Generally, beginners earn $5-$20 per hour, while experienced freelancers can earn $50-$100 or even more. 


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